The key benefits of Microwave

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No fixed lines

Technology that uses radio waves - not fixed lines - to transmit data

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High-speed, high-capacity, stable and reliable

High-speed, high-capacity, stable and reliable connectivity comparable to fixed lines

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Useful in urban areas without fixed-line access

Two businesspeople look at a smartphone together

What is Microwave?

Microwave uses radio waves to transmit data between any two points, without the need for fixed lines.

It’s a cost-effective alternative to our Managed Satellite service which needs satellite access.

Use it to handle large data transfer and mission-critical connectivity requirements.

Why should I get Microwave?

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Save on capital expenditure

Save on capital expenditure

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Get high-speed, high-capacity connectivity

You get reliable high speeds and enough bandwidth to support any business application that is bandwidth-intensive.

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Get reliable back-up connectivity

Microwave is a suitable back-up option for your primary mode of Internet access because it offers uninterrupted connectivity.ur primary mode of Internet access.

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Get access where infrastructure is lacking

If your business has a remote site where no fixed-line access is possible, Microwave access is an ideal, cost-effective alternative.

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Receive guaranteed support and surveillance

We offer SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and are committed to mitigating MMDT (Maximum Monthly Down Time) per incident for all Vodacom self-provided access.

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Quick and easy installation

Microwave is quicker to provision and install than fibre, and we can easily provide solutions to customers.

Features & benefits

Save on capital expenditure
• Microwave is less expensive to install than fibre and satellite
• Capital expenditure and operational costs are less than those of fibre
• Total cost of ownership is low because it uses existing mobile connectivity infrastructure

Get high-speed, high-capacity connectivity
• Get enough bandwidth to run bandwidth-intensive applications
• Transfer data between business sites and run mission-critical applications such as remote back-ups
• Use it for video-conferencing and VoIP

Get reliable back-up connectivity
• Microwave is a suitable back-up option for Internet access in the event that your primary ADSL line fails.

Get access where infrastructure is lacking
If your business has a remote site where no fixed-line access is possible, microwave access is an ideal alternative.

Receive guaranteed support and surveillance

• We proactively monitor the access, transport and IP layers
• We offer SLAs and are committed to  mitigating MMDT per incident for all Vodacom self-provided access
• Quality of service is assured

Easy installation and choice of speed and bandwidth
• Microwave is quicker to provision and install than fibre
• We can quickly and easily provide access solutions
• Easily scale up on speed and bandwidth to meet your evolving business needs

Core business applications enabled
Get connectivity for core business applications such as:

• Point-of-Sale solutions
• Large-scale stock management and ordering
• Bandwidth-intensive business administration and credit vetting

Features & benefits

Man looking at device while in sever room

Leased Line

Get a dedicated and customisable connection at a lower cost than a premium connection like fibre access.
A group of five young professionals are sitting around a table, collaborating on a project. They are looking at a laptop and some documents. The atmosphere is one of focused teamwork.

Get high-speed, high-capacity connectivity

You get reliable high speeds and enough bandwidth to support any business application that is bandwidth-intensive.

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