Why Vodacom Business?

Vodacom Extended Reality (VXR) empowers businesses to revolutionise the way they work by leveraging cutting-edge XR technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) to create a seamless blend of the physical and digital worlds. With Vodacom XR, you can reduce costs and boost employee engagements by minimizing downtime, travel expenses, and training costs while maximizing productivity and efficiency. Additionally, you can enhance expertise and skills transfers through immersive training experiences and remote expert assistance. Unlock Vodacom XR for greater innovation and differentiation by developing custom solutions that sets your business apart giving you the competitive edge.

Key Vodacom XR Benefits

Nugget Number 1
Boost Productivity and Reduce Costs

Field workers receive instant support with real-time visual guidance and step-by-step instructions, leading to faster resolutions and fewer repeat visits. Remote collaboration with experts is seamless through VXR headgear and web interfaces.

Nugget Number 2
Transform Training and Empower Your Workforce

Our XR technology revolutionises training by delivering immersive, hands-on experiences that boost knowledge retention and reduce training time. Personalised learning paths cater to individual needs and skill levels, while simulations allow trainees to practice complex tasks in a safe, controlled environment.

Nugget Number 3
Unlock Innovation and Differentiation

Stand out from the competition by creating custom solutions tailored to your unique business needs. Leverage cutting-edge XR technologies to develop innovative applications that transform the way you work.

Extended Reality Benefits

Vodacom XR Solutions

VXR Remote Expert

VXR Remote Expert

Optimize field service with real-time remote support

VXR Assisted Worker

VXR Assisted Worker

Simplify maintenance with digital manuals and step-by-step instructions.

VXR Skills Simulator

VXR Skills Simulator

Revolutionise training with immersive learning experiences, skills development, and performance evaluations across various locations.

VXR Virtual Mirror

VXR Virtual Mirror

Create and interact with digital twins of assets and buildings and visualise in real time.

VXR ARMS Co-Health

VXR ARMS Co-Health

Empower medical practitioners to conduct audio and visual recordings of the various procedures and safely store away for reporting and investigative purposes.


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